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The BEST Ordinances listings near North Central Wisconsin

The BEST Ordinances listings near North Central Wisconsin


AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 2025 CITY BUDGET ORDINANCE NO. 1448 The Common Council of the City of New London, Outagamie and Waupaca Counties, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the following Budget for Calendar year 2025 be adopted: GENERAL FUND REVENUES Property Tax Levy $ 2,990,752 Property Tax Equivalents 893,031 Special Assessments 1,300 State Shared Revenue 2,672,443 Highway Aid 509,948 Library Aid 271,139 Licenses & Permits 264,786 Fines & Forfeitures 86,000 Public Charges for Services 494,899 Intergovernmental Charges 0 Grants & Donations 26,500 Interest 130,500 Applied Reserves and Fund transfers 90,000 Sewer Fund Transfer 229,926 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES $8,661,224 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES General Government $ 1,621,706 Public Safety 3,061,537 Public Works 1,233,801 Health & Human Services 230,665 Culture & Recreation 2,368,515 Equipment Maintenance 145,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE $8,661,224 CAPITAL FUND REVENUE Applied Reserves $ 141,899 Highway Aid 60,973 Debt Revenue 297,128 TOTAL CAPITAL FUND REVENUE $500,000 CAPITAL FUND EXPENDITURES Capital EquipmentProjectsRoads $ 500,000 TOTAL CAPITAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 500,000 CAPITAL FUND REVENUE Wheel Tax $ 130,500 TOTAL CAPITAL FUND EXPENDITURE $ 130,500 CAPITAL FUND EXPENDITURES Roads Projects 130,500 TOTAL CAPITAL FUND EXPENDITURE $ 130,500 DEBT SERVICE FUND REVENUE Tax Levy $ 1,022,775 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE REVENUE $ 1,022,775 DEBT SERVICE FUND EXPENDITURES Principal $ 640,000 Interest 382,775 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES $ 1,022,775 Section 2. That a tax levy of $ 4,013,527 be levied upon all taxable property in the City as recorded by the Assessor as of January 1, 2025 to be used in accordance with the Budget. Section 3. That the Treasurer is hereby authorized to distribute this tax over properties listed on the current assessment roll and is ordered to collect the same. The additional tax relating to Tax Incremental Districts are also hereby levied and shall be calculated by the Treasurer as described by law. She is hereby ordered to collect the same. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication. BY: Mark Herter, Mayor ATTEST: Nicole Ryerson, City Clerk 1st Reading: November 19, 2024 2nd Reading: Waived 2024 Published: November 28, 2024 WNAXLP


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